Monday, January 25, 2010


I am so glad last week is over. It felt like such a long week. I was so tired! By Friday morning when I was supposed to get up at 6 am and do a bike/run.....I couldn't bring myself to do it. I was so sore from weights/core and I was mentally and physically I just slept in and then once I made it to work, I still wasn't feeling any better. Luckily I was able to leave early (thanks to great coworkers) and I came home and took a 4 hour nap! Then I did a short version of the workout I was supposed to do.
Then after Saturday's group workout I took 2 naps! I finally felt caught up on sleep.
I think I was so tired because I have not been eating enough. I started keeping track of my food and I was only eating about 1500 calories, Coach Michelle says I should be in the upwards of 2500-3000! Holy Crap that is a lot of food! I have been doing a little better the last few days....thanks to some pizza! I have been feeling a little better.....we'll see when the end of the week gets here!
Today was a swim/run workout that was pretty easy, tomorrow is a rest day and then group workout on Wednesday night. Week 3 is underway!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Saturday Group Workout

Holy Moly Weight Lifting! I have never gotten the hang of lifting weights, mostly because I hate the smell of the gym and it was always very intimidating because I didn't know how to use anything. Well, all of the is about to change! Saturday group workout was a bike/run, that was great. The 40 minute run felt really good, I think that is coming back to me just fine. But then we spent an hour and a half lifting weights and strength training after that! I am so sore! Luckily we don't lift again until Wednesday. I can tell it will make me stronger, but man is it going to be hard for a little bit....I know it will get better.
After almost 4 hours on Saturday, I was so ready for a Rest day on Sunday. And that is all I did.
I slept in and then took a 2 hour nap and then went to bed early since I had to get up and do my swim/run before work Monday is in full swing!

Friday, January 15, 2010

First Week Almost DONE!

Well, I have almost finished my first week of training! I started out the week with swim workshop on Sunday, we did repeat 200's and I was doing them in about 4 minutes with 30 seconds rest. I am so happy with my swim....6 months ago I couldn't even put my face in the water and this week I am swimming 1000 yards! Thanks to Shannon! On Monday we were scheduled to do a swim/run, but I over swam on Sunday, so I just did the run. That felt really good. Then Tuesday was cross training or rest day....I took the rest! Then Wednesday was our first "real" group workout. We did 30 minutes of spin and then 20 minutes of swim mixed with getting out on deck and doing strength training. This was pretty crazy. There were about 20 people in the indoor approx 4 lane pool (the best part was the 80 degree temp) with no lane markers (which is good practice for open water). Every 2 laps we got out of the pool and did a strength exercise, like push ups, lunges, squats, sit ups, etc. It was a lot of fun actually, and the time went by really fast! Then Thursday was a 65 min bike/10 min run. That was a little bit of a mental challenge for me on the indoor trainer. It was soooo boring and my butt hurt so bad since I have not ridden my bike in months. I had to wear 2 pair of padded shorts and put a pillow on my seat!!!! I made it though...and then I had to run on the treadmill since it was so dark outside. Oh I am so happy for a rest day today! Then Saturday group training is a bike/run....oh my poor ischial tuberosities!!!!!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

First Tri Three Training Day

Today was our first meeting with Performance High for the Tri Three Training program. We spent 3 hours going over a ton of information from nutrition and hydration, to rest days, to how to read the weekly workouts. I am already sure that most of my bad experiences in workouts and races have been due to lack of carbohydrates and not enough water. Hopefully that will be easy to remedy now that I know what to do!
The coaches are extremely motivating and confident we will make it to the finish line alive and with a good time. I hope they are right!
We went for a short run after the meeting and it did suck just a little since I have only run a few miles in the last three months. But it did feel good to do it and it makes me exited for my workouts this week. Luckily we are starting off slow. We only have 5.5 hours of training this week including 2 coached workouts on Wed and Sat. I think I can handle that!
I signed up for the race today too, so there is no going back!