It was raining that morning (totally unlikely weather for August) and it was only about 60 degrees when we started the swim. But the sun peeked out just before our start so there was no rain on the course.
We were able to get in the water and warm up and I was at the start line before the gun, so that alone was in improvement from Twin. The swim itself was much better too, it was a little shorter so I am sure that helped....but I also was able to actually swim freestyle and put my face in the water without pure panic. There were a lot more people and that was a little crazy, but I was prepared for that. I was glad to see the shore, but I felt pretty good about the swim. It took me a little more time to get out of my wetsuit than last time, but I don't care because I needed it today!
The bike course was pretty easy and really fast, it was mostly downhill and I was so happy because I didn't use my breaks on my downhills! Yeah, I am getting braver!
I had a little trouble starting my run because I felt like my calves were going to cramp up at any second....I am sure it is because I didn't drink enough water since it was cold out this morning.
All in all it was a really good race and I feel great about finishing in the top half of my age group...13/27!
BTW - Kathy finished 4 in her age group! Great Job my friend!
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